Anti Ragging Cell

Acadmic Year 2018-19

1Head of the Institution/CollegeChairmanDr. Tejas K. Sheth
2Representative of police AdministrationMemberAuthorised Representative
3Local MediaMemberSheth Kamlesh K. (Shastri)
4Non-Government Organizations (NGO)MemberShri Dipesh Ramanbhai Patel
5Representative of ParentsMemberMr. Kanubhai B Paramar
6Representative of students belonging to the fresher’s CategoryMember-
7Representative of senior studentsMember-
8Representative of Non-Teaching StaffMemberMr. Hiteshbhai A. Soni
9Representative Civil AdministrationMamlatdarRespected Mamlatdar Shree
10Representative of Faculty MembersMember SecretaryDr. Zuber Mamji